If there are any lessons to be learned from history, it's this: the worst comes to pass when decent people can't believe the worst could happen.

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Some would suggest that we're watching it unfold in Gaza... While we are dropping humanitarian aid for starving people, we're sending bullets to Israel to continue their behavior.

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Right? I hardly think my neighbor would consider me a humanitarian or help for taking him to the hospital after providing his attacker with the bat to beat him to a pulp.

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You're so right ... I can't even begin to imagine what a "peaceful:" solution would look like - I favor a two-state arrangement, with a firm pledge, from all the powers concerned, for the borders to be defended ... the clock can't be turned back; the antisemitism of the Western Powers that contributed to the founding of Israel in 1948 (with the infamous Balfour Declaration, 1917) ... and no more "settlements" - hyper-Zionists are just as nuts as their America counterparts - they live and breath power, and annihilation, because their gawd says so. Argh ...

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I'm currently reading Tim Alberta's The Kingdom, The Power, and The Glory and it's dismaying to see how deep the fascist rot goes within white American Evangelicalism. So many want political power instead of goodness. So many want to see their enemies punished instead of loving them. The fruit of the Spirit? That's just too woke for them. So many have been discipled by right wing media and not formed in the way of the suffering savior. And then reading reading this article and their plans... they really do want to emulate Orban and what he's done to Hungary. Lord have mercy.

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I just finished that book yesterday. An important read!

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We need to have a conversation about how Christians can organize an effort to speak out before it’s too late.

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I am running for a seat on the Ottawa County Commission. I encourage those commenting and expressing concern here to rally those in your sphere of influence to help me and others in Ottawa County defeat Christian nationalism locally. There are large and small steps Christians can take here in W. Michigan to speak out in a very effective way. Patrick4commission@gmail.com

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Yes, I was just getting an Ottawa County update today!

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Your closing line—an intrinsic call to action, like the clarion call of all that preceded it—did not go unnoticed by those who are paying attention.

As I noted on Beth’s thread plugging your (yet another) stunning piece, prior to jumping in here:

Keep digging—in the dark holes of far-right (dis)information and devilish acumen, and *at* those who deal in such brightly disguised wickedness. We’re following…and got your backs.

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Thanks, and an informative article for connecting-the-dots! Wealth = power = impact/influence on media platforms = power to craft, frame the historical and cultural narrative = significant potential to organize a massive and focused political movement!

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You have been busy! "The Right has always been better at organizing, mobilizing, and uniting around a common agenda."-it began with "the South shall rise again"-those people are networked and are generational.

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Although fiction Paul Lynch’s PROPHET SONG is a forecast of what we face in another tRUMP era. Echoing Germany in 1933 freedoms of expression and basic rights under the Constitution are in jeopardy. Barring a coup or Dallas ‘63 episode, Heritage Foundation and other extremist power mongers will set a narrow path of persecution and intolerance the likes of which we can barely imagine. Regrettably the DNC has been extremely unwise in sabotaging Progressive candidates and policies and has turned a blind eye to genocide and environmental crises. We are in a horrific conundrum as this election year speeds along.

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My god.

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Thank you for that last sentence, Kristin. This compilation of alarming reports would be enough to dishearten the most stalwart souls. Has anyone described this as parallel to the overarching religious zealousness we so quickly condemn in some Muslim societies -- or in contemporary India, for that matter?

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It's been years since I saw an article showing how religious extremists of different persuasions are more alike than different despite their variances in faith, the absolutism, the hate for other groups, their tactics......

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Thank you

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Excellent important report IMHO !!!

Question - can the Democrats catch up???

Are there any groups for the Democrats like Heritage, et al, that can quickly develop "thick webs"???

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Thank you, Dr. Du Mez. (& now more to digest)

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Insightful to say the least. Also it seems every time to trace to a sparse WiFi area of the pacific NW an indispensable KD substack appears!

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The darkness and deception. I recall a video of a pastor 'explaining' the difference between conservatives and liberals that included the claim that liberals are political and conservatives are not. And the organizations that send my 98 yr old mother requests for donations going by names like 'Americans for Freedom,' 'Lovers of Democracy,' etc. that are anything but. And big money organizations with multi-million dollar donors claiming, and being believed, that they oppose the elite. Thank you Kristin and the many others digging into this muck and disseminating information we need. All who value truth and democracy should be upholding you in prayer as well as sharing what we learn.

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My Facebook feed has been swamped with radical right history claims through think tanks and schools.

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