You're so right ... I can't even begin to imagine what a "peaceful:" solution would look like - I favor a two-state arrangement, with a firm pledge, from all the powers concerned, for the borders to be defended ... the clock can't be turned back; the antisemitism of the Western Powers that contributed to the founding of Israel in 1948 (w…
You're so right ... I can't even begin to imagine what a "peaceful:" solution would look like - I favor a two-state arrangement, with a firm pledge, from all the powers concerned, for the borders to be defended ... the clock can't be turned back; the antisemitism of the Western Powers that contributed to the founding of Israel in 1948 (with the infamous Balfour Declaration, 1917) ... and no more "settlements" - hyper-Zionists are just as nuts as their America counterparts - they live and breath power, and annihilation, because their gawd says so. Argh ...
You're so right ... I can't even begin to imagine what a "peaceful:" solution would look like - I favor a two-state arrangement, with a firm pledge, from all the powers concerned, for the borders to be defended ... the clock can't be turned back; the antisemitism of the Western Powers that contributed to the founding of Israel in 1948 (with the infamous Balfour Declaration, 1917) ... and no more "settlements" - hyper-Zionists are just as nuts as their America counterparts - they live and breath power, and annihilation, because their gawd says so. Argh ...