Regarding your comment about fearing you are writing too many emails, please know that I appreciate all your posts/emails and don't consider it too much. Every day I'm bombarded by news about the latest Trump abomination. Your emails help me put things in perspective and know that there are others like me out there. Thank you.
Have you seen "The Seed of the Sacred Fig"? It is a protest film. It was filmed in secret and tells the story a family that is a microcosm of what was happening as women were on the street protesting the Iranian regime. It's a brilliant and brave piece of art that uses phone footage shown on social media to get real protest footage out into the world. I think it's time we learn from people like this and learn what it looks like to stand up.
Thank you for the recommendation. It is in theaters here, and now I will make a point of seeing it. On a related note, over the weekend we saw the Brazilian film, "I'm Still Here," a true story about a woman's courageous and tenacious campaign to bring the truth to light after the Brazilian military dictatorship abducted and murdered her husband, a former member of the national congress. I highly recommend this film, which is both infuriating and inspiring for these times. I read that the right wing in Brazil tried to discourage people there from seeing it. The people responded by shattering all previous box office records, sending a message of "nunca mais" to the military and the Bolsonaro types.
I designed a badge lanyard for work tith quotes from On Tyranny. I created a black & red wristband saying "Remember 1933". Several of my colleagues in a large government research institution are wearing them, too. As are some friends elsewhere. A colleague at work and I co-purchased a bunch of copies of On Tyranny to distribute to folks. (Our original plan was thwarted by two folks bailing, but we've not given up). I've written to my senators (Kaine and Warner who seem to be more aware of what's happening than most) and my representative (Wittman, a clueless collaborator), and encouraged friends from other congressional districts in Virginia and states (PA and GA specifically) to write and call theirs. I consistently post on my social media accounts relevant stuff. . . .
My initial reaction to your post today is that we seem to be assuming everyone is as invested as we are, but we can't forget the number of low-information voters who are not paying attention. That's still an issue for Democrats as well as those of us who fear creeping authoritarianism
Yes! Even my highly educated friends are too busy with day-to-day responsibilities to pay close attention. Our culture of distraction isn’t serving us well.
Yes, this was my initial reaction as well. Trump's approval numbers are up to 53%. In addition to low information voters, there are lots of apathetic people who didn't bother to vote and don't seem to care about what's happening.
In some cases a lack of overt resistance is not due to despair, but to fear. I live in California. I know my Governor, U.S. Senators, and Representative all strongly oppose Trump and the Musk White House. But my congressional district covers Pacific Palisades and we need the federal government to support us in relief and rebuilding efforts. All my representatives know that a petulant and vindictive Trump can hinder or withdraw that support, with no resistance from the current lapdog Congress. So they, and we, have to walk a narrow tightrope in deciding when and how to respond to what is going on.
Here in Canada many of us try very hard to shop without buying any US products. Also, many folks have canceled trips to US destinations. The threats against our country are causing a surge in patriotism and a heightened distain for our predatory neighbour to the south. We realize that we will be missing out on many great experiences and friendships but we are Canadian and have no desire to be swallowed up by this fascist leaning regime.
Buy Canadian and Mexican. Consider vacationing in one of those countries as well. I’m Canadian but this is not purely self interest. Trump seems bent on destroying the international organizations and agreements have kept the world reasonably peaceful and prosperous for decades. Canada and Mexico are the first countries he’s chosen to bully. We’re going to need all the help we can get to stand up to the bully.
Kristin, I have appreciated every email you've sent. Not too many at all. If I can't deal with them when they come, I read them later in the day, or the next day.
I am trying to get all the people I know to contact our representatives frequently, daily if possible. I am discouraged by the number who say they are too busy. (They truly are very busy; one is a physcian who works at her job at a methadone clinic from 7-4, is more or less on call the rest of the time, and is regularly up past midnight, and all day on weekends, doing the paperwork--she says all the doctors she knows call this after hours work pajama hours. Others work 2-3 jobs to pay for housing and food. This is one of the ways our democracy is broken, that these situations are normalized.) Too many of the people I am talking to say they just hope enough people realize their mistake to vote differently in the midterms. I tell them that unless we act now we will probably not get a midterm election. I don't even go into the ways the propaganda/disinformation machine will slant the problems to make many voters believe the suffering is because Democrats won't go along with the changes. Unless we speak now.
I'm disabled & homeless, so showing up at protests is not always feasible for me, but I'm relaying info that I find on social media about national protests, strikes, buy nothing days to people who aren't connected but might be willing to participate in one of them.
I am posting information on BlueSky and Facebook about what is happening. I'm focussing on the cost to the taxpayer of things like getting trans people out of the military (how many millions of dollars in training costs, for example, are we jettisoning) or erasing years' worth of taxpayer funded data from government websites. I am calling my representatives almost every day. To the brand new Republican who used his own fortune to buy his seat, I am saying that if he doesn't protect the Constitutional role of the Senate he and all of Congress will become superfluous very quickly. My Dem senator has been playing along with the Republicans, and I don't know what to say to him any more, but I am calling and urging action. I skipped a choir rehearsal and participated in a phone town hall with my Congressperson.
I'm also writing here on Substack, short essays and poetry that I hope can build a community of people, because we clearly need community. Not sure where that is going to go, but it's one of the things I can do. I'm also not neglecting prayer. This gives me strength to keep on, but also, Scripture says the Lord is not deaf to the cries of the oppressed. Looking through history, I can't say those cries produce visible responses a lot of the time, but God makes it clear that they matter.
In last week's Convocation video, you mentioned that you were waiting for "something to happen." So is Trump. The Resistance is the bear (donkey?) he keeps poking with a stick, waiting for it to lash out, so he'll have a pretext to impose martial law. We must develop a nonviolent means of social protest, and that takes time. I've been following Diana Butler Bass' prescription: engage with the Trump voters who are not really MAGAs, and listen to their complaints. This has been particularly useful with younger voters who are naturally concerned about affordable housing, for example. Currently, there is a shortage of non-MAGA leadership, but I'm confident it will emerge. In the meantime, we must develop our own Project 2027, and take back our Republic.
You are right about the threat of violence and martial law. I meant to promote a workshop on training in non-violence, which is essential. Even then, we won’t be able to control the narratives.
I appreciate all your emails and perspective. Maybe you can help me. I am going to show my ignorance, but I need to ask this question. If South Korea could end their martial law in 6 hours, why are we working on week 3 and still no signs of stopping the coup of 2.0 and musk? I don’t think that if we had more of a majority in congress voting against all that is going on, those two would back down. And I’m not suggesting violence.
Now they have the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau? And we actually have our “concentration camp” in Cuba. I have been thinking about that and I can’t believe I am writing that about US.
Thank you so much, Kristen. . It's the little things we do that will count. I just got off the phone with Senator Bill Cassidy's office in DC (I'm a native of La and did all my schooling there), and told the aide I was totally disgusted with the Elon Musk foolishness, and all things Trump, and asked him to do his part to get the train back on the tracks. Well, it's a small thing, but something. Looking to join the next protest here in Jersey!
Keep them coming ! I need to hear someone speaking up. It is hard to be heard here in lilly-white Bend, OR ( I believe to have a colleague from here) even some of our clergy are reluctant to speak. So write as often as you wish!
Helpful. I have seen similar articles as well. The gathering at the Michigan capital last week, your state, was good! Way more people that some of us expected. A warm and energetic gathering on a very cold day!
I am taking the actions I can and I find this Substack and the Convocation to be exceedingly helpful. Through this network I know I am not alone and there are smart people who do actual research that can help me focus. Everyone who can should become a paid subscriber.
Thank you Kristin for all you do. We Canadians have fond feelings for the majority of our American neighbours. Be assured we in Canada are doing what we can to oppose trump , musk and their minions. We all have to push back against this fascist as is most of the rest of the free world. I'm optimistic that this will be contained if we all do our part. Terry from Ontario Canada.
Regarding your comment about fearing you are writing too many emails, please know that I appreciate all your posts/emails and don't consider it too much. Every day I'm bombarded by news about the latest Trump abomination. Your emails help me put things in perspective and know that there are others like me out there. Thank you.
Thank you. I initially tried to write about once a week. Now I have several things a day that I want to write about!
Yes - same! Although I am not able to read everything you write, I am so grateful you are writing! Your work is so important and inspiring. Thank you!
This is so helpful. Thank you. In my deep red state, I am calling my senators and congressional representative every day to express my disapproval.
Thank you, Judith!, for making these calls. I Iive in WA so my senators are D’s but I’m still calling.
The 5 calls app is awesome! Proud to say I called my reps in a red state for the first time ever last week.
I also joined the 50501 protests on Wednesday and felt encouraged by the collective power shown by the people. I had never attended a protest before.
We are doing things! Change is possible.
Thank you! I just shared the app with my son.
Have you seen "The Seed of the Sacred Fig"? It is a protest film. It was filmed in secret and tells the story a family that is a microcosm of what was happening as women were on the street protesting the Iranian regime. It's a brilliant and brave piece of art that uses phone footage shown on social media to get real protest footage out into the world. I think it's time we learn from people like this and learn what it looks like to stand up.
Thank you for the recommendation. It is in theaters here, and now I will make a point of seeing it. On a related note, over the weekend we saw the Brazilian film, "I'm Still Here," a true story about a woman's courageous and tenacious campaign to bring the truth to light after the Brazilian military dictatorship abducted and murdered her husband, a former member of the national congress. I highly recommend this film, which is both infuriating and inspiring for these times. I read that the right wing in Brazil tried to discourage people there from seeing it. The people responded by shattering all previous box office records, sending a message of "nunca mais" to the military and the Bolsonaro types.
I designed a badge lanyard for work tith quotes from On Tyranny. I created a black & red wristband saying "Remember 1933". Several of my colleagues in a large government research institution are wearing them, too. As are some friends elsewhere. A colleague at work and I co-purchased a bunch of copies of On Tyranny to distribute to folks. (Our original plan was thwarted by two folks bailing, but we've not given up). I've written to my senators (Kaine and Warner who seem to be more aware of what's happening than most) and my representative (Wittman, a clueless collaborator), and encouraged friends from other congressional districts in Virginia and states (PA and GA specifically) to write and call theirs. I consistently post on my social media accounts relevant stuff. . . .
All excellent.
My initial reaction to your post today is that we seem to be assuming everyone is as invested as we are, but we can't forget the number of low-information voters who are not paying attention. That's still an issue for Democrats as well as those of us who fear creeping authoritarianism
Yes! Even my highly educated friends are too busy with day-to-day responsibilities to pay close attention. Our culture of distraction isn’t serving us well.
They want to be Too Busy. It’s the American Ideal.
Oh man. This comment hit me hard. Because it’s serving someone well, just not the American people. 😣
Yes, this was my initial reaction as well. Trump's approval numbers are up to 53%. In addition to low information voters, there are lots of apathetic people who didn't bother to vote and don't seem to care about what's happening.
In some cases a lack of overt resistance is not due to despair, but to fear. I live in California. I know my Governor, U.S. Senators, and Representative all strongly oppose Trump and the Musk White House. But my congressional district covers Pacific Palisades and we need the federal government to support us in relief and rebuilding efforts. All my representatives know that a petulant and vindictive Trump can hinder or withdraw that support, with no resistance from the current lapdog Congress. So they, and we, have to walk a narrow tightrope in deciding when and how to respond to what is going on.
I hear this. I think those of us with less to fear should step in for those with more to fear.
Here in Canada many of us try very hard to shop without buying any US products. Also, many folks have canceled trips to US destinations. The threats against our country are causing a surge in patriotism and a heightened distain for our predatory neighbour to the south. We realize that we will be missing out on many great experiences and friendships but we are Canadian and have no desire to be swallowed up by this fascist leaning regime.
Jake Stelpstra
Buy Canadian and Mexican. Consider vacationing in one of those countries as well. I’m Canadian but this is not purely self interest. Trump seems bent on destroying the international organizations and agreements have kept the world reasonably peaceful and prosperous for decades. Canada and Mexico are the first countries he’s chosen to bully. We’re going to need all the help we can get to stand up to the bully.
Kristin, I have appreciated every email you've sent. Not too many at all. If I can't deal with them when they come, I read them later in the day, or the next day.
I am trying to get all the people I know to contact our representatives frequently, daily if possible. I am discouraged by the number who say they are too busy. (They truly are very busy; one is a physcian who works at her job at a methadone clinic from 7-4, is more or less on call the rest of the time, and is regularly up past midnight, and all day on weekends, doing the paperwork--she says all the doctors she knows call this after hours work pajama hours. Others work 2-3 jobs to pay for housing and food. This is one of the ways our democracy is broken, that these situations are normalized.) Too many of the people I am talking to say they just hope enough people realize their mistake to vote differently in the midterms. I tell them that unless we act now we will probably not get a midterm election. I don't even go into the ways the propaganda/disinformation machine will slant the problems to make many voters believe the suffering is because Democrats won't go along with the changes. Unless we speak now.
I'm disabled & homeless, so showing up at protests is not always feasible for me, but I'm relaying info that I find on social media about national protests, strikes, buy nothing days to people who aren't connected but might be willing to participate in one of them.
I am posting information on BlueSky and Facebook about what is happening. I'm focussing on the cost to the taxpayer of things like getting trans people out of the military (how many millions of dollars in training costs, for example, are we jettisoning) or erasing years' worth of taxpayer funded data from government websites. I am calling my representatives almost every day. To the brand new Republican who used his own fortune to buy his seat, I am saying that if he doesn't protect the Constitutional role of the Senate he and all of Congress will become superfluous very quickly. My Dem senator has been playing along with the Republicans, and I don't know what to say to him any more, but I am calling and urging action. I skipped a choir rehearsal and participated in a phone town hall with my Congressperson.
I'm also writing here on Substack, short essays and poetry that I hope can build a community of people, because we clearly need community. Not sure where that is going to go, but it's one of the things I can do. I'm also not neglecting prayer. This gives me strength to keep on, but also, Scripture says the Lord is not deaf to the cries of the oppressed. Looking through history, I can't say those cries produce visible responses a lot of the time, but God makes it clear that they matter.
Thank you for sharing!
🙏 thanks for all that you are doing
In last week's Convocation video, you mentioned that you were waiting for "something to happen." So is Trump. The Resistance is the bear (donkey?) he keeps poking with a stick, waiting for it to lash out, so he'll have a pretext to impose martial law. We must develop a nonviolent means of social protest, and that takes time. I've been following Diana Butler Bass' prescription: engage with the Trump voters who are not really MAGAs, and listen to their complaints. This has been particularly useful with younger voters who are naturally concerned about affordable housing, for example. Currently, there is a shortage of non-MAGA leadership, but I'm confident it will emerge. In the meantime, we must develop our own Project 2027, and take back our Republic.
You are right about the threat of violence and martial law. I meant to promote a workshop on training in non-violence, which is essential. Even then, we won’t be able to control the narratives.
I appreciate all your emails and perspective. Maybe you can help me. I am going to show my ignorance, but I need to ask this question. If South Korea could end their martial law in 6 hours, why are we working on week 3 and still no signs of stopping the coup of 2.0 and musk? I don’t think that if we had more of a majority in congress voting against all that is going on, those two would back down. And I’m not suggesting violence.
Now they have the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau? And we actually have our “concentration camp” in Cuba. I have been thinking about that and I can’t believe I am writing that about US.
Thank you so much, Kristen. . It's the little things we do that will count. I just got off the phone with Senator Bill Cassidy's office in DC (I'm a native of La and did all my schooling there), and told the aide I was totally disgusted with the Elon Musk foolishness, and all things Trump, and asked him to do his part to get the train back on the tracks. Well, it's a small thing, but something. Looking to join the next protest here in Jersey!
Keep them coming ! I need to hear someone speaking up. It is hard to be heard here in lilly-white Bend, OR ( I believe to have a colleague from here) even some of our clergy are reluctant to speak. So write as often as you wish!
Helpful. I have seen similar articles as well. The gathering at the Michigan capital last week, your state, was good! Way more people that some of us expected. A warm and energetic gathering on a very cold day!
I am taking the actions I can and I find this Substack and the Convocation to be exceedingly helpful. Through this network I know I am not alone and there are smart people who do actual research that can help me focus. Everyone who can should become a paid subscriber.
Yes! Subscribed to many writers I don’t know and appreciating the independent reporting.
Thank you Kristin for all you do. We Canadians have fond feelings for the majority of our American neighbours. Be assured we in Canada are doing what we can to oppose trump , musk and their minions. We all have to push back against this fascist as is most of the rest of the free world. I'm optimistic that this will be contained if we all do our part. Terry from Ontario Canada.