Please keep saying what you’re saying. It needs saying. Dehumanization is the new norm in our federal government, business and hospital care. It is outrageously pervasive and deadens decency, human dignity, and the common good. Speak boldly. Like Esther, you have risen “for such a time as this.” As the late, Rev. John Buchanan, of the Fourth Presbyterian Church, Chicago, would conclude his sermons, “Hold fast to the good.”
Thank you for your willingness to speak out. Let our collective voices and actions not tolerate injustice. God so loved the world… the time to live this truth loudly is now so we don’t lose our own humanity.
Reading this, the recollections of a man named Paul Goldschmidt in Victoria J. Barnetts ’For the Soul of the People’ keeps revolving in my mind:
“There, for the first time, I heard in detail how people had been killed in Auschwitz, that is, about the gassings....But I have to repeat that, up to the point that I've told you, anyone could know who wanted to! I have to emphasize that, when people say, 'We didn't know anything,' then one has to ask, 'Did you want to know?' Then the answer will be, 'No, I didn't want to know,' if they're honest. For, if one had wanted to know, then one brought oneself into a dreadful situation. Then one's conscience would have been summoned: Something has to be done. Or one would have had to say, in good conscience: 'Now I can't do anything. So it's better that I don't know anything. Then, at least, I can live this horrible life further. Perhaps you know T.S Eliot's Murder in the Cathedra. There's a place where the archbishop comes from France, and the choir, the women of Canterbury, don't want him: 'Yet we have gone on living, living and partly living...leave us and leave us be.' This phrase has stayed in my memory. Don't burden us with any knowledge; living, partly living, we want to get through.”
Yes, it’s heartbreaking as it is concerning. I had a man whom I’ve deeply respected say before the election, “I don’t do research/fact check news anymore. I just know what’s right.” And another from a conservative Christian denomination frankly admit when pressed that there is moral relativism. As one who grew up being disciples against the “danger of post-modernity” for precisely the reason of moral relativism I was shocked. I’m learning not to be shocked anymore
I really think we’ve entered a point where many professing Christians on the right are truly afraid to have their consciences summoned. That’s what stood out to me in your post—losing humanity.
It’s this part binary between apathy and hopelessness that many people need to face and re-“examine themselves to see that they are in the faith,” as it were. Faith in what/whom?
“For, if one had wanted to know, then one brought oneself into a dreadful situation. Then one's conscience would have been summoned: Something has to be done. Or one would have had to say, in good conscience: 'Now I can't do anything.”
I learned so much from your book Jesus and John Wayne. Thank you for all the research and shedding light on deeply embedded and misguided evangelical movements. Your work is important! Hoping there will a link to share after your talk at ND.
Many thanks for the highlights! Jemar is right: I also think of the parallels to Nazi Germany before I think of how the black church has lived with this for centuries.
And thanks for the heads-up for When the Wolves Came since must admit I've given up on evangelicals.
Blessings Kristin...I am appreciating the ways you are highlighting other voices...and also appreciating yours...Hope your first major talk since the election inspires you and the hearers both.
I continue to be incredibly impressed and proud of your bravery and grace, Kristin. Your example has helped many of us stand up to hatred with grace. Thank you for utilizing your gift of writing and speaking for the good of mankind rather than entertainment or accolades.
I so appreciate what is given to us here in all the writings that are presented and the other resources. I know I'm behind the curve in listening to it but I has a long drive and listened to much of the 'Sons of Patriarchy' podcast. One group that I have not heard called out in 'Marked Men for Christ'. I participated in one of their events in 2017, maybe. I found it to be extremely militaristic and as I have listened to Peter Bell, it is probably very much in the Patriarchal camp. Have you heard of them? Do you know much about the background of it?
Please keep saying what you’re saying. It needs saying. Dehumanization is the new norm in our federal government, business and hospital care. It is outrageously pervasive and deadens decency, human dignity, and the common good. Speak boldly. Like Esther, you have risen “for such a time as this.” As the late, Rev. John Buchanan, of the Fourth Presbyterian Church, Chicago, would conclude his sermons, “Hold fast to the good.”
“Hold fast to the good.” I love this.
Thank you for your willingness to speak out. Let our collective voices and actions not tolerate injustice. God so loved the world… the time to live this truth loudly is now so we don’t lose our own humanity.
Reading this, the recollections of a man named Paul Goldschmidt in Victoria J. Barnetts ’For the Soul of the People’ keeps revolving in my mind:
“There, for the first time, I heard in detail how people had been killed in Auschwitz, that is, about the gassings....But I have to repeat that, up to the point that I've told you, anyone could know who wanted to! I have to emphasize that, when people say, 'We didn't know anything,' then one has to ask, 'Did you want to know?' Then the answer will be, 'No, I didn't want to know,' if they're honest. For, if one had wanted to know, then one brought oneself into a dreadful situation. Then one's conscience would have been summoned: Something has to be done. Or one would have had to say, in good conscience: 'Now I can't do anything. So it's better that I don't know anything. Then, at least, I can live this horrible life further. Perhaps you know T.S Eliot's Murder in the Cathedra. There's a place where the archbishop comes from France, and the choir, the women of Canterbury, don't want him: 'Yet we have gone on living, living and partly living...leave us and leave us be.' This phrase has stayed in my memory. Don't burden us with any knowledge; living, partly living, we want to get through.”
I think a lot about the phrase "motivated ignorance" these days.
Yes, it’s heartbreaking as it is concerning. I had a man whom I’ve deeply respected say before the election, “I don’t do research/fact check news anymore. I just know what’s right.” And another from a conservative Christian denomination frankly admit when pressed that there is moral relativism. As one who grew up being disciples against the “danger of post-modernity” for precisely the reason of moral relativism I was shocked. I’m learning not to be shocked anymore
I really think we’ve entered a point where many professing Christians on the right are truly afraid to have their consciences summoned. That’s what stood out to me in your post—losing humanity.
It’s this part binary between apathy and hopelessness that many people need to face and re-“examine themselves to see that they are in the faith,” as it were. Faith in what/whom?
“For, if one had wanted to know, then one brought oneself into a dreadful situation. Then one's conscience would have been summoned: Something has to be done. Or one would have had to say, in good conscience: 'Now I can't do anything.”
Now some are telling us that empathy is unbiblical. I can't understand how they justify that idea.
Read that too. Crazy. Jesus was empathetic.
I learned so much from your book Jesus and John Wayne. Thank you for all the research and shedding light on deeply embedded and misguided evangelical movements. Your work is important! Hoping there will a link to share after your talk at ND.
Many thanks for the highlights! Jemar is right: I also think of the parallels to Nazi Germany before I think of how the black church has lived with this for centuries.
And thanks for the heads-up for When the Wolves Came since must admit I've given up on evangelicals.
Keep on keeping on Kristen. Your posts encourage me to learn and engage more with the chaotic times we live in. Thank you.
Always appreciate all your cited resources, eager to view the Faith and Democracy Tour and Ruth's series✨
Blessings Kristin...I am appreciating the ways you are highlighting other voices...and also appreciating yours...Hope your first major talk since the election inspires you and the hearers both.
Come to Houston
Oh come to Houston!
Thank you for standing up! I love your talks and videos we need to continue to fight for freedoms!
Perhaps our Evangelical wing will turn around and worship Jesus more then they worship MAGA ideology.
I continue to be incredibly impressed and proud of your bravery and grace, Kristin. Your example has helped many of us stand up to hatred with grace. Thank you for utilizing your gift of writing and speaking for the good of mankind rather than entertainment or accolades.
I so appreciate what is given to us here in all the writings that are presented and the other resources. I know I'm behind the curve in listening to it but I has a long drive and listened to much of the 'Sons of Patriarchy' podcast. One group that I have not heard called out in 'Marked Men for Christ'. I participated in one of their events in 2017, maybe. I found it to be extremely militaristic and as I have listened to Peter Bell, it is probably very much in the Patriarchal camp. Have you heard of them? Do you know much about the background of it?