I am deeply, profoundly tired of having to take unserious people seriously.

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So. very. tired.

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Sometimes prophets - especially if they’re a thoughtful female historian who questions and probes a predominantly male-constructed orthodoxy - are ‘without honour’ in their homeland. Love your reasoned response, continued strength and courage!

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Thanks. Fortunately, I don't occupy the same "homeland" as KDY, and I don't really find myself without honor in most spaces. It's a polarized moment, so detractors are always offset by supporters. In my case, I encounter far more support than hostility. But I do wish we could elevate the conversation just a bit.

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Thanks, and good to hear of support you are receiving in various ‘spaces’ … maybe this represents - to use Churchill’s term - ‘the turning-of-the-tide’ on one front in the culture wars! Continued blessings and His Peace.

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I want to learn to argue with integrity. I’m 84 and just having the courage to use my voice. I believe women have a leadership role in the church. My church does not. So I’m giving Scott McKnights book to elders. A church called Tov. He’s my voice at the moment. One elder sat down with me and said he read the book because he thought he should. We need another conversation. Wilma Rabidoux Hill Crest reformed church in Hudsonville Michigan

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I'm so impressed with this! I hope your conversations and your persistence begin to bear fruit.

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I love your reminders arguing with honesty, integrity, and courage. Full throated scholarship and peer review are our friends. As I’ve read the cheap shots foisted on you and the others on the birdie app, I’ve noted how little of that I observed from your critics.

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This post is so very well done. It saddens me to see these uninformed, laughable really, labels coming at you. You have modeled for so many of us what Jesus means by being as a wise as a serpent and pure as a dove, just as Jesus & JW did. May you experience His strengthening day by day.

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Well said!

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Thank you for standing up to these people and for all your hard work. It must be exhausting. You are making a big difference. We are behind you 100%! Can’t wait to read your next book!

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