Thank you for writing this. Before recently I was becoming weary of “the Gospel makes us colorblind” approach that doesn’t encourage self examination or empathy to the struggles so many experience. But this shift to making replacement theory mainstream is just so frustrating and heartbreaking. Seeing those I know to be loving people take this bait and embrace it is baffling to me, until I think about the lessons from JJW and The Flag and the Cross and Is America A Christian Nation and ……… so thankful for having the scales removed from my eyes and many of my beliefs.

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May 16, 2022·edited May 16, 2022

Thank you!!

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Thanks for this piece ... while posting this to some fb pages, I wrote: "Insidious ideas continue to rack America - and, sadly, many of those ideas have taken root within American Protestantism and are flourishing there.

There is no room in Christianity for this kind of thinking, though Christianity has a very spotted record on these matters. For any number of reasons ... one of which is the attraction a lot of Christians have to power, raw power, dominance and control."

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