In terms of new substack name, all I could think of was “Du Mez doesn’t demur” or “Du Mez Today”

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Jan 1, 2023Liked by Kristin Du Mez

Du Mez du Jour

And THANK YOU for your voice, love, insight, bravery, and faithfulness. Your words have been an important part of my journey for the last two years. Grateful for you!

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Oh, Du Mez du jour is a fun one!

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Kristin Du Mez

I will suggest DuMez Discourse. All the best to everyone in 2023.

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Kristin Du Mez

I’ve been trying to think of names that are more than just J&JW based, that encompass your interests as a historian, looking at things historically, and not backing away from confrontations.

I don’t know if any of these are good, but maybe they’ll spark further ideas.

Hidden Connections

Historically Speaking

Receipts Given

No More Blank Slates

Filling In The Blanks

Quiet Parts Out Loud

Past To The Present

Not Backing Down

The John Wayne Of It All

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These are great! I especially like filling in the blanks.

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Kristin Du Mez

I’ve so enjoyed this platform with your well-written pieces. Twitter is/was good but it seems you are able to articulate your views, thoughts, and ideas more thoroughly through Substack. I’m looking forward to your next book. Your Jesus and John Wayne defined all the craziness of evangelicalism throughout my lifetime that I saw and couldn’t understand where it came from. I hope you have a wonderful 2023!


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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Kristin Du Mez

I think connections is fine.

Interestingly “connection” appears 3 times in the bible. 🤔

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It’s not catchy but it does get the job done.

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Kristin Du Mez

As a resident of Aurora, IL, I have to suggest “Wayne’s World” as the Substack name. Depending on the demographic mix, it might need an explainer- A Pacer.

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Kristin Du Mez

The Way of Du Mez

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Kristin Du Mez

Thanks for opening up the comments for those of us who are relying on your generosity.

Maybe Du Mezmerizing Connections?

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I find restricting comments to paid subscribers dramatically reduces trolls!

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Kristin Du Mez

Live Love Illiberate!

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Kristin Du Mez

It's great stuff, regardless of the name. Your #1 is one of the most compelling pieces of writing I've read. Another title? As an homage to K Bushnell I'll suggest "Down from high stilts". :)

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The Du Mez Dispenser . Yes I realise the pronunciation is not the same as 'Pez' but I liked the connection :-)

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I think your new name needs to be more conceptual. If connecting is still a goal, something like 'Interwoven,' that relates to connections less literally (though I don't love it; you might need something more modern than string or fabric). Are you doing something else with substack than twitter, though? Maybe related to prompting critical thought (cultivation or process words) or finding insights for today by tracing historical movement or patterns (stepwise, directional, or big-picture / high-altitude words). Though if nothing comes to mind, "Kristin's Korner" is always a fallback 😂

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Du Mez If You Want!

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What a year it's been, and your writing continues to lift up the light of hope ... by shining some much needed light on the various forms of fundamentalism driving the far-right with it's twisted rhetoric of stolen elections and the dangers of the LGBTQ community. I doubt if 2023 is going to be calmer; different? Likely, but the forces of xn nationalism are not about to take a vacation., and all the "true believers" still have plenty of energy to attempt the destruction of America's Democracy. Keep up the good work, and enjoy your Iowa Time. Blessings and Peace.

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How about Connecting the Dots or Let’s Keep Connecting the Dots? That’s what Jesus and John Wayne did for me. It’s why I want to stay connected in order to stay on top of unfolding events and be able to speak with knowledge and credibility in my circle as evangelicalism becomes even more extreme and continues to move farther away from the Jesus of the Gospels.

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