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For a long time now, I’ve been arguing that the primary targets of Christian nationalists are likely to be fellow Christians who do not toe the Christian nationalist line.

Go Calvin University and Hope College. Don't cave in to the pressure. Love your "fellow enemies" but do not serve them.

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Why the future tense? Politicized and Fundamentalist Christianity has always been persecutory against its own communities where there is disagreement. Calvin and Hope included. The Dutch Reformed communities are piles of schisms — denominations and churches and other institutions where divorces and village feuds add the to dogmatomachy. Their religion/moralism is the smoke screen excusing diagnosable sociopathy and generations of closeted *sexuality and domestic abuse. These paradigms of aberrant totalistic religionism are being normed with all the other national spiritual disorders. The inmates have taken the asylum, as the entire conservative/Christian movement intended. Let us seize power while accumulating more motes in our own eyes... it is actually the ultimate plan for assimilation to base materialist concerns. They should wonder who they are actually serving.

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Jonathan, the issue here isn’t about “Christian nationalism” or whether Christians disagree on politics. The real question is: *What is the standard for truth?* If some Christians are being “targeted,” as you say, it’s not because they’re refusing to toe a political line—it’s because they’re embracing ideas that conflict with biblical truth.

Loving our enemies, as Jesus commanded, doesn’t mean surrendering to their worldview. It means standing firm in what’s true while engaging with grace and clarity. Calvin University and Hope College shouldn’t cave to pressure—whether from political movements or cultural trends—but neither should they redefine love as passive acceptance of falsehood. If truth divides, that’s not a flaw in truth. It’s a reflection of reality (Luke 12:51).

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The problem is those who are certain they have all the truth and no latitude for differences even though it is impossible to maintain any effective group without making its natural and abiding diversity a strength. Authority works better when it isn't so authoritarian it promotes the illusion of agreement. CCCU institutions for example are always cultures where the private transcript (students and faculty in less public arenas) deviates all over the map beyond the currently funded institutional orthodoxy. Nobody, not even the most quixotic extreme calvinist today can or would want to live in the mentality and social context of John Calvin. (Which was also not a monoculture despite his best efforts to discipline even the livestock of Geneva.)

We want thinking individuals with wills of their own, yes? Or yes-men for Jesus all mushed into the same mold by -- who? A pope? A fuehrer?

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