I came of age politically in this environment and was a part of it until their "truth" didn't mesh with the evidence of my own senses, and I began to ask questions until they declared "he's not one of us" (spoken in a private meeting by someone looking to have me fired by my former employer). Fortunately, I escaped on my own terms, and I…
I came of age politically in this environment and was a part of it until their "truth" didn't mesh with the evidence of my own senses, and I began to ask questions until they declared "he's not one of us" (spoken in a private meeting by someone looking to have me fired by my former employer). Fortunately, I escaped on my own terms, and I have yet to take the abuse that you and many other friends of mine have endured at their hands. Their actions simply confirm the righteousness of my decision to renounce their worldview, and how distant it is from the character and teaching of Jesus Christ.
I came of age politically in this environment and was a part of it until their "truth" didn't mesh with the evidence of my own senses, and I began to ask questions until they declared "he's not one of us" (spoken in a private meeting by someone looking to have me fired by my former employer). Fortunately, I escaped on my own terms, and I have yet to take the abuse that you and many other friends of mine have endured at their hands. Their actions simply confirm the righteousness of my decision to renounce their worldview, and how distant it is from the character and teaching of Jesus Christ.