One of the assets we have that I would add to this is, if you are a Christian, be the best, most evangelical (in the true sense of the word) you can with those who have fallen down the Christian Nationalism rabbit hole. I have seen it in action. Make disciples by teaching them what Jesus taught. This is especially and incredibly important in red states. We have the kingdom/reign/kin-dom of God within us. We can push back and invite in as needed. And our democracy will be the stronger for it.

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This is the premise of Disarming Leviathan: Loving Your Christian Nationalist Neighbor by Caleb E. Campbell.

I'd guess it's a very hard mission field because they think they already have all the answers.

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Wow! Thanks so much for this, Kristin. This may be the most important CONNECTION piece you've ever published. Be blessed, my friend. Happy New Year!

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I agree!

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"Bluntly lie to the People" is something I'm beginning to recognize with my MAGA family members. I'm recovering from the disorientation I felt during the holidays with them and am grief-stricken with how other-worldly their worldviews were. They regurgitate their lies with so much confidence and pride. But I think they actually believe them, too. I'm committed to maintaining as healthy of a relationship as I can reasonably have with them, but it's only getting more difficult---and Trump hasn't even taken office (again) yet.

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I read somewhere recently that many of them believe what they believe they have to believe in order to be saved ... they fundamentally (Ha!) know in their soul that something is amiss, but their fear of hell, and the fear of losing their sense of power and the community around them, prevents them from honestly searching their soul. Once the lie is told, and told again, there's too much invested in the lie, too much for them to go anywhere else, but to more lies. It's terribly sad ...

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Thank you for this, I'll be printing it tomorrow. For right now though, I wish you deep peace.

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Thank you for this incredibly important post.

I think you might want to run this monthly!

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Or we all must make this available to any who will support “liberty and justice for all.”

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Wow. Thank you.

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Thank you, so much good insight and strategy. I think of the panelist from your recent event at Notre Dame who reminded that while people cam be mass radicalized, they only de-radicalize one at a time. Big strategies and movements are important, individual relationships are key. Jesus and his compassion for all and for individuals also reminds of this. What differences in their communities did those Jesus healed make? Did they bring others to him (as we know the Samaritan woman did), did they prepare the ground or plant the seeds for what was to come, did their individual and unique stories get shares and have impact beyond imagining?

Thank you, Kristin, for the time and energy you spend researching and informing on aspects of our culture that are critically important that I don’t want to spend my time in. Thank you for adding more good stuff to my overflowing reading list 😉. Thank you for your clear, firm, and gracious statements. Are you familiar with Aaron Scott’s “Bring Back Your People: Ten Ways Regular Folks Can Put a Dent in White Christian Nationalism?” I hope it provides solid approaches and strategies for those of us who see the need to have impact and don’t have a big platform. It is concerning knowing the church has purified and strengthened through past troubles and persecution, I don’t relish experiencing or seeing others go through that.

God’s call is always primarily to love him and love others. May that call and its guiding be the light we carry and share in the year ahead.

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The rules from Myceilski remind me of those from Timothy Snyder, Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Anne Applebaum, and others. Just this week, a couple of straight news reporters have left the WaPo and been picked up by “The Atlantic”. The reason? Editors and higher ups are appearing to capitulate in advance.

The current billionaire owner of The LA Times, who has strong monetary ties to foreign countries, is now insistent on having final editor control of not only the opinion side of the paper, but the straight news side as well. Several accomplished reporters and opinion writers have resigned recently in protest.

Thank goodness for Kristin and others for continuing to speak truth when they are surrounded by others who should show bravery, but demonstrate cowardice instead. Thank you Kristin!

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Kristin, as always, thanks for giving of your precious time among all your other responsibilities especially within the context of family. Thanks for providing the Survival Guide via Martin Mycielski … those Eastern European voices especially are so valuable for we North Americans at this pivotal time since they are rooted very much in the experiences of recent history! Stay strong 💪, and your insights will certainly help to sustain the ripple effect of human agency in the present, not just in the United States but beyond in this historic non-violent struggle for democracy and human decency 😊!

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This is one of the most helpful things I have seen to date. Thanks!

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Reading the insights and advice from our Eastern European Friend is chilling. It seems as if we may already be under the spell—trapped in the sticky web. Thank you for sharing this information from one who recognizes the signs. JSix

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Thank you, thank you, thank you, Kristin! What a solid, clear, practical and inspiring piece to help us in the year(s) ahead!

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Thank you! I will print this and read it regularly to remind myself of what I can do to maintain our democracy.

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Good stuff Kristin! None of it is new, but it is always worth repeating. My flag goes out on all holidays, my conservative neighbors appreciate it. I'm especially getting weary of being told that my political affiliation means I'm a baby killer, now we're becoming known as demons.

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Wow. Man that fits what we're seeing now doesn't it? There's paralysis - but also just apathy. So many (like many of my friends and fam) just assume it won't get that bad because - we're America and that stuff doesn't happen here. Hope you all have a good night - which I assume will involve some interesting Dutch traditional stuff. :)

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Sadly no oliebollen here tonight. Only my 11yo and I arr not (yet) sick so it’s sparkling grape juice and pretzel bites here, and Sees chocolates. (She chose the menu.)

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Sorry you’re passing around an icky bug. Love the menu.

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Peace be with you and thank you for this strengthening information. May this next year surprise you and many of us here in a positive way. Thank you again for this information!

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