Piddock rightly points out that these guys thought that the Ken Patriarchy segment in Barbie was the main point of the movie.

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Possible alternative - “micturition match”

Thank you for the information regarding men, yet again messing things up. Men devolving to their primitive reptilian brain.



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That didn't come up when I googled! :)

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I plagiarized it or picked up the phrase from an intellectual sword fight between a couple of neuropsychologists on a listserve to which I belong. One of them used it to temper the tone of the engagement.

I have no objection to the phrase you used. It probably fits better in the context of a pint at the pub.

Thank you again for shedding light on this dark path down which some men are plunging.

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Thank you for being a sane voice, a bright search light illuminating the imbecility within the fog of culture war that surrounds us.

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Thanks, Kristin. As always, you nail it.

It is no wonder most churches are in serious decline. This sort of stuff is nothing short of gross. These men betray any public witness at every turn, with nearly every step of their lives.

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I keep writing on social media: What if this had been a conference of male public school leaders (principals, superintendents, teachers). Seriously, just IMAGINE. The performative penile peacockery, both in actions and arguments among members, speakers, etc is beyond farcical description.

TheseEvangelical leaders demonstrate little self-awareness or boundary regulation. To think that these guys go back to their churches to be spiritual leaders is beyond appalling,

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I sometimes wonder if one of the reasons some, or possibly many, men are attracted to these hyper straight masculine identity messages is due to insecurities and fears about their own sexuality. I also wonder if that is why many men are threatened by and angry at those who are LGBTQ+? My hypothesis is that this is indeed the case with many of the men attracted to these messages and their messengers. Have their been any studies or reports addressing anything close or related to this?

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I’m 70, new to Christ having surrendered my life and will at 65 after an almost marriage breaking experience. I found Christ and salvation through the hard work of recovery and my brothers and sisters at Celebrate Recovery. At CR we admit our brokenness and seek only to address our defects of character via the teaching and words of our Lord. We strive to live in recovery by the Beatitudes. These Christian men’s groups and events seem to be exercises in self glorification and not surrender. Warrior Christians are the opposite of what Christ lived and taught. When we surrender at the foot of the cross we admit our weakness, the thorns that have obstructed our lives and limited our connection to Jesus Christ. These men need surrender, humility and acceptance not absurd and frankly unbiblical odes to masculinity.

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Hoooooo BOY is right! Thank you for your coverage and commentary on this disturbing display of a religiously veneered Junior High pissing contest! Simultaneously funny and sad. And yes, while I respect the wish to not devolve into the coarseness of the "he-man" mens conference universe, I find it an apt description in this case. SMH re the religion of cool hats (to hide receding hairlines), beard dye (to hide graying facial hair) and rugged "dandy-boy" everything (to hide male insecurity). Can't write this, er, stuff. Best wishes (and prayers) in your upcoming endeavors. Keep up the great work!

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Will any of your speaking events be video recorded, and or, video shown at the time??

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I know the ICS one will be recorded, not sure about live streaming. I'll have to check with the Canisius one.

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Mark Driscoll, the one who said that Avatar was the most satanic movie, EVER!

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Nothing should surprise us I suppose - other than perhaps Louis Giglio’s presence. We took our college life group to Passion every year and have great meteorites. That’s really disappointing. ☹️

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Thanks for this Dr DuMez. I think information might be the key in this struggle for the heart and soul of Christianity. But I could be wrong, I suppose.

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Giant motorcycles for Christ? I could not process that clip and yes it is a whole volume!

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They really did go for the WWF formula here.

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I think your opening line says it all!

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Thank you

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