Glad to see you have a view of "touchdown Jesus".

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Thank you for this.

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I was watching Convocation this afternoon. Congratulations on your Sabbatical. Your mention of interest in the emphasis on church expansion reminds me of a rallying call of Southern Baptist during my youth group days: “A Million More in ‘54.”

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I don't live in any of these states, but I'm so grateful you and others are doing all these things to prepare for the elections. I started out by reading Jesus and John Wayne, just because the title was so intriguting. It led me here, and to read many other Substacks and writers as well. Thank you for that as well, Dr. du Mez.

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I'm glad I could be part of your journey!

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Thanks tor this. Very helpful! Blessings in your busy sabbatical!

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Let me be as an admirer of your work offer congraulations on your receiving this honor. Chuck Mast

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I live in Canada, but I want you to know I support what you are doing for the U.S. I also how much I appreciate your contribution to the body of Christ both in your writing and interviews.

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Honestly I’m not convinced the Defence of Democracy is the priority or the essence of following Jesus. It as a political institution didn’t exist in his lifetime. The implication of democracy- of course, is the business of Jesus followers. But that is not the same.

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