As a Florida native, I’ve seen the changes since DeSantis was elected governor and implemented his Christian Nationalist agenda. It is unhealthy for children, adults, businesses, and the environment.
I can't say I agreed with Barry Goldwater very often but I was very surprised to find this quote: "Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them." Barry Goldwater to John Dean
Project 2025 will be attempted. But Teslas do not have to be purchased. Banned books can slip into library shelves unannounced. Illegal Abortion clinics can be safely run in secret spaces by willing medical workers. Amazon is not a necessity of life. And Meta should no longer collect the data of our resistance. We can resist. We have collective power. Let’s begin.
I'm an ordained minister in the liberal United Church of Christ and believe me, with in Masters in Church History if you don't think I am scared as LGB+TQIA2S, think again
Having learned so much through Celebrate Recovery (church based, for folks who want healing from hurts, habits, and hang-ups), I'm thinking most white Christian nationalists have never dealt with these hurts and are self-medicating through what they perceived to be a glorious cause. My guess is that along with sexual brokenness and misogyny, there are a lot of "Dad" issues among the theobros who seem to crave a standing among the patriarchal elites. It may sound odd, but helping willing folks have a safe space to begin to see the truth about ourselves, to not condemn but be curious about our behaviors and coping mechanisms, to not be ashamed that we need the gospel, is one way I'm standing against this chilling scenario Kristen has so aptly researched and described.
Thank you for telling the truth Kristin; I know this isn't where any of us wanted to be. I wonder if any of you are experiencing anxiety about church, as I am. Is church to be my mission field? Is that even sustainable for my soul? I don't know what God wants me to do, specifically about attending, and it's a matter of prayer for my husband and me. Interestingly, a current event provided some clarity for me. Last week at President Carter's funeral, 3 professing Christians responded in 3 different ways to encountering Trump. One received him politely (V.P. Mike Pence), one didn't receive him (Karen Pence), and one received him warmly (President Obama). I realized that our individual actions are determined by our own conscience. There's no playbook with our boundaries at church and in society. I'm giving myself more freedom in my choices, and I am feeling more hopeful, as I experience God's grace.
💯 It’s syncretism. They ingest right-wing culture and regurgitate it as “christianity.”
As the right wing goes, so goes the white evangelical church. There is no line they won’t cross, no atrocity they can’t justify in their quest for white supremacy, greed, and power.
Very Good Point! I’m glad you brought up the word syncretism because in this discussion it’s not really brought up. The late RC Sproul spoke a lot about the dangers of syncretism and pragmatism (or Machiavellian tactics like the ends justify the means which is a not a biblical concept at all I think. The Republican Party has sadly succumbed to this in their lust for power and have used and manipulated naive evangelical Christians and Catholics for power and dominance. Trump was their guy and he got it for them. The Billionaire oligarchs are happy and will get richer and richer. The Lord Jesus warned us this Matthew 16:24-26
Thank you for telling it like it is. Even though it's SCARY AF! We Canadians are facing certain recession (or worse) if tRump slaps his tariffs on our exports. But the expected loss of freedoms, safety and education south of our border is the real catastrophe.
I read this morning sent to me from another source. I think it is an outstanding article/interview and greatly appreciate your incite on this very scary issue for our country.
Thanks Kristin. Gloomy though your analysis is, I think it misses out the terror to be caused by mass deportations and political retributions. It will not just be a theocracy but also a fascist dictatorship. Our only hope is for incompetence and in-fighting? God help us...
I can only echo what others have already said and give you my heartfelt thanks for everything you do. You have been an honest, trustworthy touchstone throughout this long journey, I can't imagine a better walking companion. Thank you.
Fellow Confessional Lutheran here LCMS(Not all LCMS members are hardcore MAGA there is a lot people thinking we are, some may voted for Trump for certain policy reasons etc. My LCMS congregation is theologically conservative but what’s unique is that most confessional Lutherans I’m acquainted with are not hyper MAGA etc. my congregation understands the difference between the sacred and secular ( or the 2 Kingdoms theory etc. ) we understand the MAGA ideology is an useless idol. Thanks for listening
Hey Dr. Du Mez, thanks for responding to comment. I recently picked up a few books titled OPUS The Cult of Dark Money, Human Trafficking, and the Right Wing Conspiracy(not a conspiracy theory book-written by a credible professional journalist) inside the Catholic Church by Garth Gore( this sheds much light on Roman Catholic integralism, very interesting). Also another that I’m looking forward to reading is Democracy and Solidarity On the Cultural Roots of America’s Political Crisis by James Davison Hunter
As a Florida native, I’ve seen the changes since DeSantis was elected governor and implemented his Christian Nationalist agenda. It is unhealthy for children, adults, businesses, and the environment.
me too Cheryl
I can't say I agreed with Barry Goldwater very often but I was very surprised to find this quote: "Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them." Barry Goldwater to John Dean
And the cause of that concern was Paul Weyrich.
Project 2025 will be attempted. But Teslas do not have to be purchased. Banned books can slip into library shelves unannounced. Illegal Abortion clinics can be safely run in secret spaces by willing medical workers. Amazon is not a necessity of life. And Meta should no longer collect the data of our resistance. We can resist. We have collective power. Let’s begin.
I'm an ordained minister in the liberal United Church of Christ and believe me, with in Masters in Church History if you don't think I am scared as LGB+TQIA2S, think again
Having learned so much through Celebrate Recovery (church based, for folks who want healing from hurts, habits, and hang-ups), I'm thinking most white Christian nationalists have never dealt with these hurts and are self-medicating through what they perceived to be a glorious cause. My guess is that along with sexual brokenness and misogyny, there are a lot of "Dad" issues among the theobros who seem to crave a standing among the patriarchal elites. It may sound odd, but helping willing folks have a safe space to begin to see the truth about ourselves, to not condemn but be curious about our behaviors and coping mechanisms, to not be ashamed that we need the gospel, is one way I'm standing against this chilling scenario Kristen has so aptly researched and described.
I commend you Susie!
Thank you for telling the truth Kristin; I know this isn't where any of us wanted to be. I wonder if any of you are experiencing anxiety about church, as I am. Is church to be my mission field? Is that even sustainable for my soul? I don't know what God wants me to do, specifically about attending, and it's a matter of prayer for my husband and me. Interestingly, a current event provided some clarity for me. Last week at President Carter's funeral, 3 professing Christians responded in 3 different ways to encountering Trump. One received him politely (V.P. Mike Pence), one didn't receive him (Karen Pence), and one received him warmly (President Obama). I realized that our individual actions are determined by our own conscience. There's no playbook with our boundaries at church and in society. I'm giving myself more freedom in my choices, and I am feeling more hopeful, as I experience God's grace.
💯 It’s syncretism. They ingest right-wing culture and regurgitate it as “christianity.”
As the right wing goes, so goes the white evangelical church. There is no line they won’t cross, no atrocity they can’t justify in their quest for white supremacy, greed, and power.
Very Good Point! I’m glad you brought up the word syncretism because in this discussion it’s not really brought up. The late RC Sproul spoke a lot about the dangers of syncretism and pragmatism (or Machiavellian tactics like the ends justify the means which is a not a biblical concept at all I think. The Republican Party has sadly succumbed to this in their lust for power and have used and manipulated naive evangelical Christians and Catholics for power and dominance. Trump was their guy and he got it for them. The Billionaire oligarchs are happy and will get richer and richer. The Lord Jesus warned us this Matthew 16:24-26
Thank you for telling it like it is. Even though it's SCARY AF! We Canadians are facing certain recession (or worse) if tRump slaps his tariffs on our exports. But the expected loss of freedoms, safety and education south of our border is the real catastrophe.
And if Pepe assumes power which seems likely we will move dramatically to the right. You know that Trump would like nothing more than Harper2 in power
I read this morning sent to me from another source. I think it is an outstanding article/interview and greatly appreciate your incite on this very scary issue for our country.
Thanks Kristin. Gloomy though your analysis is, I think it misses out the terror to be caused by mass deportations and political retributions. It will not just be a theocracy but also a fascist dictatorship. Our only hope is for incompetence and in-fighting? God help us...
I can only echo what others have already said and give you my heartfelt thanks for everything you do. You have been an honest, trustworthy touchstone throughout this long journey, I can't imagine a better walking companion. Thank you.
I believe your answer to the last question is true. However it does make me sad and disheartened. Thanks always for your expertise.
Excellent, through and through.
Fellow Confessional Lutheran here LCMS(Not all LCMS members are hardcore MAGA there is a lot people thinking we are, some may voted for Trump for certain policy reasons etc. My LCMS congregation is theologically conservative but what’s unique is that most confessional Lutherans I’m acquainted with are not hyper MAGA etc. my congregation understands the difference between the sacred and secular ( or the 2 Kingdoms theory etc. ) we understand the MAGA ideology is an useless idol. Thanks for listening
We need those voices in the mix!
Hey Dr. Du Mez, thanks for responding to comment. I recently picked up a few books titled OPUS The Cult of Dark Money, Human Trafficking, and the Right Wing Conspiracy(not a conspiracy theory book-written by a credible professional journalist) inside the Catholic Church by Garth Gore( this sheds much light on Roman Catholic integralism, very interesting). Also another that I’m looking forward to reading is Democracy and Solidarity On the Cultural Roots of America’s Political Crisis by James Davison Hunter
Thank you. Helpful and informative.
Thank you for all you do
I am curious as I read The Violent Take it by Force, if there is a new “just war” theory that overtakes all historic Christian understanding of war. This certainly seems to be the case in the Jan 6 attacks on the capital which can find no support in historic Christian Ethics. Cf.
Well put. The old just war theory is inoperative. It was only ever inconsistently applied, but now most don’t even bother paying it lip service.