I loved Michael Bird's conclusion on this subject:

"Let us too be promiscuous in our mercy and scandalous in our compassion, for in doing so, we imitate the ways of our God who had mercy on us and showed compassion to us in our Lord Jesus Christ."

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Love this.

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All well in fine, but MAGA "Christianity" only cares about the merciless cruelty of the God of Moses. For them, Jesus is their free "get out of hell" card for anything they do. Project 2025 is the implementation of Mosaic Law on the U.S. and has not a single thing to do with Christianity. Jesus rebelled against Mosaic Law and look what happened to him; the Pharisees doing "God's Work". Just a Trump is doing "God's work" (quote from MAGA). If you mean imitating "the ways of God" by obeying Mosaic Law, then that is a really sick proposition to follow. Or, do you mean, we follow Mosaic Law to the letter (all of which are just edicts of a madman) and we will be rewarded with heaven by Jesus? You can't follow the teachings of Moses and the Teachings of Jesus at the same time. I'll take the Teachings of Jesus over the God of Moses any day. I refuse to "kill all witches", or own slaves, or treat women as cattle, or take young virgin girls as war spoils to "keep for myself". or "kill non-believers", or "kill homosexual men" (what consenting adults do behind closed doors is none of my, or anyone else's, business), etc, etc, etc.

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I love this quote, "The greatest threat to the Christian nationalist agenda is in fact Christians themselves. Christians who hold to these core principles, who refuse to endorse hate, mockery, lies, and division." I'd really like to contribute better in this way.

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Need more than a "refuse to endorse". Need active resistance to it.

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‘untethered empathy’ —- wouldn’t that be a good thing?

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Rigney & company have been launching a war on empathy for some time now. It gets in the way of their agenda.

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I called Billy Graham Evangelistic organisation and told the contact person that I wonder what religion Mr. Franklin Graham espouses, as it does not seem to match up with that of Billy. I tried to write to Mike Johnson, but am not from his district. House of Rep people apparently don't take messages unless you are from their district. So I sent my message through Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin where I am registered to vote. I also sent a message to the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood expressing my surprise that they have a person such as Mr. Burk speaking while attached to their organization. To all I pointed out that the Holy Gospels and (especially) the Sermon on the Mount show that Christianity DOES support honesty, humility and respect for human dignity. And it is people who wrote these horrible comment about the Bishop make it very difficult for me to speak to my friends who don't share the Christian faith and get their impressions through the Speaker, Franklin Graham, etc.

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I don’t identify as a Christian anymore but Budde’s sermon struck a chord deep within me. I can believe her words as truth for us all. I’m in Canada & will be forwarding this to my more conservative relatives to see what they think. ♥️

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Thank you for your thoughtful reflection. I appreciate Bishop Budde’s moral courage. It reminds me a lot of how the Hebrew prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah spoke to the leaders of their day. And for those familiar with early American history it is not unlike eminent pastors who spoke truth to their leaders in their time. Alas I wish my own Catholic bishops would speak up, but so far there seems to be too much silence in those quarters. Meanwhile, those in power are like “those who say, ‘With our tongue we will prevail, our lips are with us; who is our master’” (Psalm 12). What I appreciate most however is Bishop Budde’s perspective which you say that “she is careful not to confuse her judgment with God’s will.” I believe I can learn something from that perspective. Perhaps others can as well.

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Important distinction - unity is not uniformity.

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Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer...

Thanks for the thoughtful words, Kristin.

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The responses to her sermon from MAGA faithful are just a reminder that, at its core, Christian Nationalism is not grounded in apprenticeship to Jesus or conformity to His way, which alone produces true virtue and the fruits of the Spirit.

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That Bishop has the courage to face that mob!

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Well, Kristin, I have been a Christian since I was very young (I'm old now). For most of that time I would have identified as evangelical. However, words have now been taken captive, and I prefer to call myself a follower of Christ as I have begun to eschew labels of any kind. I don't think I line up with progressives, although, of course, those being spoken of up above might see me that way because I don't believe their rhetoric to be biblical/godly. In any case, I believe that the Right Rev. Mariann Budde spoke scripture, pure and simple.

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Courageous woman and minister. Thank you for this article. Graham's prayer is outrageous.

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Well said. Thanks for providing the juxtaposition, of the prayers offered by those who support Trump. It paints the contrast so effectively, and reveals the hypocrisy of those slinging arrows at her, while lauding the words of the members of their team.

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I'm praying that this MAGA sickness is not a sickness unto death.

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Great point!

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Kristin, thank you for this very thorough exposition of what happened Monday. I had avoided it! But your post of the Christian nationalism on full display makes me weary -- and wary. We are in a dangerous place, b/c those on the right so easily discard the kinds of things the bishop said as only political hogwash. And we know it's so much more. It's the message of Christ himself. I have never been as discouraged as I am this week with all of the dismemberment of our country in only a few days. Keep writing!

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I don’t know what else to call the Trump form of Christianity except idolatry. It undermines the credibility of the Christian witness in unfathomable ways. It has made me question my own faith…is there something inherent in Christianity that causes the churches to always be at the ready to support tyranny when it arises? Not every individual Christian, but the churches in their public-facing attitudes? I just am not sure anymore. The whole thing disgusts me.

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